形意大师——李存义 Xingyi Master - Li Cunyi
作者:管理员    发布于:2013-11-15 16:22:19    文字:【】【】【





During the period of Sino-Japanese war(1890), Liu Kun in the army invited professor Li Cunyi to teach Wushu to the sergeancy. Li was awarded several times in the war and got promotion soon. Later since he was not accustomed to the limited life of military officer, Li resigned to open the “Wan Tong Security Company” in Baoding government. Li is an upright and genuine man who cares little about the money. Thus, the fund of the Security Company was used up due to the poor management. As a result, the“Wan Tong Security Company” had opened for only five years.

    In 1895, Mr. Li Dongliang(called as “Hua Dao Li) from Zhang Zuzhuang village, Dingxing courty in Hebei Province opend the “Yi You Security Company” in the “Rui Sheng Xiang Texiles” in Mozhou town. And Li was especially invited to host the“Yi You Security Company”. 

     When Mr. Li Cunyi firstly came to the “Rui Sheng Xiang Texiles”, people loosed two large hounds in order to test his Kungfu. In the evening, Li came to the dinner upon invitation. When he came the yard, two large ferocious hounds quickly flew out at Li. However, Li still kept calm, though surprised, and he struck the hounds to cry with the trick “Fu Xiu Sao Chen”. At the same time, someone came from the sitting-room, while Li smiled to say: “ Heavy hit. It’s extraordinary that the two hounds can’t bear it.” After that, it is known across the whole Hebei Province and everyone in the Wushu circle speaks highly of it.

Within a few days of taking office, Li Cunyi was designated to escort several carriages of cloth to Peking. It’s noon that he arrived at Shilipu Village which is in the south of Xiong County. In the east of the village, there stands a temple. And a well is in front of the temple. Li Cunyi wanted to have a rest and draw some water for both guarders and horses. All of a sudden, a physically strong monk in thirties shouted rudely to stop his drawing water and said that animals were forbidden to drink the Buddhism water. Li Cunyi said politely and modestly, “We happen to pass by your distinguished temple, and hope to fetch some water. We’ll appreciate it very much for your kindly permit.” The monk said contemptuously, “You can drink the water on condition that your guard leader can beat me, otherwise, it’s impossible!”

This road is both traffic artery and the only way to Peking must be passed by. The following passers-by will be troubled by the hateful monk, if he is not defeated. Thus, Li Cunyi said calmly, “Please start with you.” The monk hacked his opponent’s face fiercely and quickly, while Li Cunyi avoid the monk’s hacking by his left arm leisurely and punched the monk ten feet away at the same time. The monk lay on the ground… After a while, he stood up and kneeled to ask Li to take him as his apprentice.

Afterwards, many Wushu superiors from Renqiu, Xinan, Xincheng, Dingxing, Xiongxian acknowledged Li Cunyi as their teacher one after another.