嫡系传人——刘志强 Xingyi Successor - Liu Zhiqiang
作者:管理员    发布于:2013-11-26 08:49:10    文字:【】【】【



Mr. Liu Zhiqiang, the third direct line of descent of Master Shang Yunxiang, is a member of China Wushu Association, at present holds the chairman of China Shangpai Xingyi Boxing association, the referee of five section and the senior grade of national Wushu, and is also the director of Weifang branch of China Xingyi Boxing association, and the chairman of Shangpai Xingyi Boxing communication center in Weifang. Liu has studied the Shangpai Xingyi Boxing for over 30 years, and deeply grasps the tenets of Shangpai Xingyi Boxing, especially the practical skills of Shangpai Xingyi Boxing. What’s more, he has won the golden metal in many Wushu competitions at home and abroad. Liu always inherits the traditions of body building, being concise and rigorous, making friends through Wushu , being martial, and being strict with teaching in the Shangpai Xingyi Boxing.